The house was built in 1908 (architect D. Knickerbacker Boyd) and torn down in October 1988. The property was redeveloped as four houses in the early 1990s.
It's difficult to date this image precisely as it shows little surrounding detail. Philip Moore published postcards actively from circa 1907 through the early 1920s, but LMHS's postcard is unused, so there's no postmark to provide a "no later than" date. Pending further evidence, it could lie anywhere between 1908 and the 1920s. But three photographs by Franklin Davenport Edmunds (1874–1948), dated 8/25/1911, can help. The first image is the almost identical view to the postcard, down to the trees, leading to the conclusion that they are roughly contemporary.
Dr. Oscar John Snyder (1866–1947) co-founded Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy (today Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine) in 1899 and served as its first president 1899–1904. In 1915 he served as a vice president of the Narberth Civic Association.