Scientific American, Architects and Builders Edition (February 1893)
Our engraving on page 27 represents the First Baptist Church, recently completed at Warberth [sic] Park, Pa. The design is unique. It is of the Gothic style of architecture. It is built of rock faced Chestnut Hill granite, of a grayish blue color, laid up at random in red mortar. Roof slated and finished with a tiled cresting. Dimensions: Front, 29 ft.; side, 69 ft. The interior throughout is finished with oak. The auditorium, 26 ft. × 57 ft., has a seating capacity of 280. It is lighted by stained glass windows, shedding a pleasant light over auditorium, altar and choir box. The pastor's study is placed conveniently. The basement contains Sunday-school room, two class rooms, and furnace room, besides other apartments. These apartments are furnished complete. Class rooms are connected to Sunday-school room by double sliding doors, and are so arranged that they can be thrown together at pleasure. Cost of church, exclusive of furniture, $6,000. Cost of furniture, $1,000 complete.
Our engraving was made direct from a photograph of the building, taken specially for the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.