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Friends of Narberth history
Friends of Narberth History
Narberth Addresses

20 Sabine Avenue

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1912Built by (source: Our Town Oct. 11, 1919)
1960Address changed from 10 Sabine Ave.

Years may be approximate. Where do we get these years?

three-story house sits to the right of a wooded lot.
Kings Daughters Home for the Aged. Photo by Harry D. Richards Llanerch, Pa. 1931.

The property and building were donated by Maybrook estate heiress Mary K. Gibson in 1912 to Kings Daughters, who operated it as Holiday House 1912–1925, then until 1960 as Kings Daughters Home for the Aged.

See "Founding and Growth of Holiday House, on Sabine Avenue, Told", Our Town October 11, 1929, p. 3.

U. S. Census

Census Name Relation Age Own Race Marital Birthplace Business Trade Apt # Note
1920Shipley BrownHead38RentWhiteMarriedPennsylvaniaCommunity KitchensManageraddress 338 Sabine
Lucy H BrownWife36WhiteMarriedNew Jersey
Alice B BrownDaughter12WhiteSingleNew Jersey
Thomas S BrownSon7WhiteSinglePennsylvania
1930James Fleming79WhiteMarriedPennsylvaniaRocket ClubCheck roomKing's Daughters and Sons
Mary Fleming77WhiteMarriedPennsylvaniaKing's Daughters and Sons
H Matilda Byram70WhiteSinglePennsylvaniaKing's Daughters and Sons
Clara A Neal70WhiteSinglePennsylvaniaKing's Daughters and Sons
Cordelia Norton80WhiteSinglePennsylvaniaKing's Daughters and Sons
Mary C Schaich68WhiteSinglePennsylvaniaKing's Daughters and Sons
Isabelle Whitman70WhiteSingleNew YorkKing's Daughters and Sons
Ellen D Douglass72WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaKing's Daughters and Sons
Asa H Whitney80WhiteWidowedNew YorkKing's Daughters and Sons
Howard Rambo62WhiteMarriedPennsylvaniaInstitutionCaretakerKing's Daughters and Sons
Anna M Rambo50WhiteMarriedPennsylvaniaInstitutionMatronKing's Daughters and Sons
1940Mary C SchaichLodger82WhiteSinglePennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Sally RichardLodger85WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Elizabeth MitchellLodger69WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Edith HowardLodger71WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Frank D WattsonLodger73WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Isabelle WhitmanLodger80WhiteSingleNew YorkKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Ella A LancasterLodger86WhiteSinglePennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Anna MichelLodger83WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
Helen CraigLodger70WhiteWidowedScotlandKings Daughters and Sons Home for the Aged
1950Minerva GaulMatron63WhiteWidowedPennsylvaniaOld Folks HomeSuperintendent
Frank D WattsonPatient83WhiteWidowedPennsylvania
Helen CraigPatient83WhiteWidowedScotland
Rebecca SimfordPatient80WhiteWidowedPennsylvania
Alice BernardPatient75WhiteWidowedDelaware
Catherine MullenPatient73WhiteWidowedKentucky
Mary BriggsPatient76WhiteWidowedMissouri
Evelyn MacDonaldPatient75WhiteWidowedPennsylvania
Elizabeth MitchellPatient79WhiteWidowedPennsylvania

No census records found 1900–1950.

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